

The history of chemistry begins in ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia and Egypt, where people explored metalworking and medicine. Greek philosophers expanded on these ideas, proposing theories about matter and the elements. During the Islamic Golden Age, scholars like Jabir ibn Hayyan pioneered experimental techniques. Alchemy flourished in medieval Europe, leading to the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century, which established chemistry as a modern science. Key figures like Robert Boyle and Antoine Lavoisier laid the groundwork for empirical study. The 19th and 20th centuries saw rapid advancements, including the development of the periodic table by Dmitri Mendeleev and discoveries in radioactivity by Marie Curie. Today, chemistry continues to play a vital role in various fields, from medicine to environmental protection.

The history of physics traces back to ancient civilizations like Greece and Mesopotamia, where early scholars pondered the nature of the universe. During the Renaissance, figures like Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton made groundbreaking contributions, laying the foundation for classical mechanics and the laws of motion. The 19th century witnessed the development of electromagnetism and thermodynamics, spearheaded by scientists such as Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell. In the early 20th century, Albert Einstein revolutionized physics with his theories of relativity and quantum mechanics emerged, challenging classical notions of space, time, and causality. Today, physics encompasses a vast array of subfields, from particle physics to astrophysics, driving technological innovation and our understanding of the universe.

Kamruzzaman Sujon


Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.)
Jagannath University

Masters of Pharmacy (M. Pharm)
Jagannath University

Imran Emu


Bachelor of Science (Physics)
Dhaka University

Masters of Science(Physics)
Dhaka University